
CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Teens

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds

60sec Row

30sec Worlds greatest stretch (15sec/side)

30sec Rotating full squat T spine rotations


A: Metcon (No Measure)

Every 2mins x 12mins

5 strict chin ups

15 banded bicep curls

200m run outside or 150m on runner


B: Metcon (Time)

10 rounds

8 Snatch

10 Bar facing burpees

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Foam Roller Sprints: arrange the foam rollers vertical in a pattern that the athlete can use to sprint around. If a foam roller gets knocked down, the athlete must start over OR will have a 5 second penalty. Repeat a few rounds and try to beat previous scores.


CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Kids

Warm-up (No Measure)

Burpee Basketball: With chalk or tape, mark two starting lines nex to each other, and place a ball on each line. The baskets are placed a few feet in front of the lines; the exact distance depends on the ability of the group. The class is divided in half, and players line up behind each starting line. In a relay-race format, the player at the front of the line does a burpee and then tries to throw the ball into the hoop. If the ball goes into the basket, the player gets the ball and replaces it on the starting line. If he or she misses the basket, the player retrieves the ball and does 5 jumping jacks before replacing the ball on the starting line. Once the ball is back on the starting line, the next player may begin.


A: Metcon (No Measure)

Every 2mins x 12mins

5 Jumping pull-ups @2-3sec negative

8-12 banded bicep curls

100m run outside or 75m on runner


B: Metcon (Time)

10 rounds for time

8 Snatch

6-10 Burpees

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Foam Roller Sprints: arrange the foam rollers vertical in a pattern that the athlete can use to sprint around. If a foam roller gets knocked down, the athlete must start over OR will have a 5 second penalty. Repeat a few rounds and try to beat previous scores.

Tuesday, June 1st 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 Rounds

60 seconds Row/Bike/Run/Ski @Easy

6 Step-Ups 6 /6 Single Leg Glute Bridge 30 Seconds Elbow Plank

B. Mobility

PNF hamstring stretch


5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot 5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back


C. Specific

2 sets

3 moderate box jumps

9 russian KB swings


B: Metcon (Calories)

AMRAP 20min

Row for Cals

Every 5mins complete

-10 KB Swings @24/16 Kg

– 10 Burpees
This workout is designed as an active recovery and effort on the row can be as hard or as easy as athletes would like.

Tuesday, June 1st 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – Skill Session

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

2 minutes Row or Bike

25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/side

– Mid-traps

B2. Banded Wall slide

10 repetitions


B3. Banded ankle mobility

5 repetitions/side

– Heel stays glued to the ground

– band is between foot and ankle, not directly on the ankle


C. Specific

20 seconds Full Tuck HS hold

5/5 single arm Ring Row + rotation

50’/side Bottom up KB Carry at forehead level


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 sets

2 Negative Strict Muscle-ups*

*2sec pause right after turnover (rings at chest)


EMOM 5minutes

1-5 Ring Muscle-ups for quality
Goal: Improve control and efficiency of the movement

This drill should help you with efficiency. When you perform the turnover, aim to pull really really hard in order to keep the rings close to your body and not fall down.

Try to integrate these two movements into the full rep for the EMOM.


B: Strict “Lynne” (AMRAP – Reps)

As Many Repetitions as Possible in 5 Rounds of:

Max Bench Press (bodyweight)

Max Strict Pull-Ups

Perform As Many Repetitions as Possible (AMRAP), unbroken, of Bench Press. Then directly into as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP), unbroken, strict pull-ups.

Rest 3-5mins between sets
Score is the total cumulative number of repetitions of Bench Press and Pull-Ups across all 5 rounds of the workout.


C: Metcon (Time)

For time

1000m Row

200′ HS walk

1000m Row
Goal: Upper body endurance

Goal is to accumulate time under tension WITHOUT INTENSITY here. Just do the work.


D: Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM 9minutes

Alternate between

1) 8 Double DB Pullover

2) 30-45 sec Hollow body hold

3) 15 Banded Skull Crushers*

*Hold every rep for 2 seconds at peak contraction
Athlete: Goal: Upper body endurance

Point of performance:

DB Pullover

As heavy as possible to keep control. While you move your hands back, make sure that your spine stays neutral.

Hollow body hold

For the advanced, perform this one with a plate in your hands. Make sure your body is as tight as possible.

Banded skull crushers

Reach muscle failure and make sure your set lasts between 40 and 60 seconds!


05/31/2021 W41

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Teens

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 sets

30sec row or bike

30sec Air squat

30sec high box step ups


A: Metcon (Weight)

Paused Front Squat


4 reps


B: Metcon (Time)

2 rounds

25 Deadlift

25 Wallball


Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Play the Deck: using a deck of cards, designate movements to the suit (i.e.: diamonds = pull ups); when a card is flipped, the athlete that turned it must complete the reps of the number on the card of the movement that is designated to the suit.

05/31/2021 W41

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Kids

Warm-up (No Measure)

Noodle Tag: The game space is designated using cones and should be large enough to allow the class to move around freely. Select one or more ‘taggers’ and give each a section of pool noodle to use to tag others. On the call of “go,” players move within the space to avoid being tagged. Once tagged with a noodle, players must freeze in the place where they got tagged until another participant comes to free them by tapping one of their arms. Play continues until the coach selects new taggers.


A: Metcon (Weight)

Front Squat

4 tempo reps @3.1.X.1


B: Metcon (Time)

2 rounds

25 Deadlift @light

25 Wallball @light

25 push-ups / hand elevated push-ups

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Play the Deck: using a deck of cards, designate movements to the suit (i.e.: diamonds = pull ups); when a card is flipped, the athlete that turned it must complete the reps of the number on the card of the movement that is designated to the suit.

The Murph Challenge

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

2 Rounds:

100m run

10 lunges

5 banded pass-throughs

5 air squats

3 Grass-hoppers each side

B. Specific

2 rounds:

5 upper-body only push-ups/

5 scap-pull-ups/pull-ups

2 air squats


Murph (Time)

For Time:

1-Mile Run

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Air Squats

1-Mile Run

If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
To learn more about Murph click here

Monday, May 31st 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – Skill Session

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

2 minutes Row or Bike

25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/side

– Lats

B2. PNF banded mobilisation

5 repetitions/side

– 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your elbow

– 5 seconds stretch, letting the band pull your elbow back

** It’s really important that your upper body angle stays the same for the entire duration of the 5 repetitions. No hyperextension, neutral back.


C. Specific


5 Box Jump + step down or Broad Jumps

3/3 KB Snatch @mod-heavy

10 Air Squats


A: Metcon (Weight)

Snatch (Any Style)

EMOM 12minutes

Minutes 1,2,3: 3 @60%

Minutes 4,5,6: 3 @65%

Minutes 7,8,9: 2 @70%

Minutes 10-11-12: 1 @75% every 30 seconds
Score is 75% weight

Goal: Maintain your CNS stimulated during the deload week with explosive movements

Since we are in the deload week, the intensity must be lower. In this section, we reduce the intensity by using lighter weights. MAKE SURE YOU USE LIGHTER WEIGHT THAN IN THE LAST WEEKS! If you want to have optimal recovery results and create supercompensation, you HAVE to respect this principle.

Points of performance:

– Focus on bar acceleration above the knees.

– Maximize time in contact with the floor.

– Pull yourself fast under the barbell after FULL extension.


B: Clean Pull (3 x 3+3)

3 sets @90-100%

3 Clean pull from blocks (bar @ knees)

3 Clean Shrugs

Rest 2-3 minutes

Goal: We use the blocks to maintain CNS stimulation while allowing your body to recover. Shortening range of motion will reduce back tension.

Points of performance:

Clean pull

– Start and stay over the bar.

Clean shrugs

– Make sure your shoulders are moving behind the barbell when you contract your traps.


C: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes

15 Front squat 115/75lbs

15 TTB

15 Burpees
Goal: Improve your performance in short workouts with moderate weight barbell

Points of performance:


Since we are in the deload week, the weight on the barbell should NOT be super heavy. If the recommended weights are too much for you, do not hesitate to scale.


Smooth sets. Do not reach the point where you struggle. Break the reps in order to perform easy reps all the way. The total volume of 60 reps is intentional, do not perform more!


Be consistent on the variation you choose to use. If you start with step-ups then use step-ups for every rep. You want to teach your body a pattern that it can learn and progress with.

Perceived intensity should be at 7/10


D: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

2 x 50/40 Cal Bike @mod

Rest 2:1
Athlete: Rest 2:1 means that you rest for twice the amount of time you needed to complete the calories.

Goal: Improve metabolic and mental capacity

In this section we create the deload by reducing the volume. That being said, your intensity will stay high here. You will cross the line of the dark zone. Push hard and have fun, you have only 2 sets to do πŸ™‚

Sanctionals and Games level athletes: Under 2 minutes

Competitive Open athletes: Between 2 to 3 minutes


E: Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets

60 seconds banded Good morning hold

60 sec Weighted Wall sit
Goal: Lower body strength-endurance and control

Points of performance:

– Good morning hold: Focus on keeping a neutral back

– Wall sit: Hold in a weak angle. For example, if you know that you have trouble with the highest portion of your squat, then hold with a 135Β° knee angle. If you have trouble in the deep Squat, then hold at 80Β° or less, etc.


Sunday, May 30th 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3min Row @easy

30 Banded good mornings

10 banded presses

B. Mobility

PNF Hamstring stretch

45sec per side

– 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot

– 5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back with the band


C. Specific

2 rounds

100m Row @hard

2 devils press

4 db push press

6 box jump overs


A: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

Every 10mins x 3 sets

1,000m Row

10 Devils press 2×50/35lbs

15 DB Push press 2×50/35lbs

20 Box jump overs 24/20″
KG: 22.5/15

Score: Time of each set

Scaling options


Every 10mins x 3 sets

500-750m Row

10 Devils press @1xlight

15 DB push-press @1xlight

20 Box jump overs @low


Every 10mins x 3 sets

750-1,000m Row

10 Devils press @2×35/25lbs

15 DB push-press @2×35/25lbs

20 Box jump overs @24/20″

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Cool down 3-4 minutes on bike or rower

Lower Body Flow
