Saturday, May 1st 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – Skill Session

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

2 minutes Row or Bike

25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/side

– Calves

C. Specific

Hinshaw Running Warm up


A: Metcon (Distance)

Part 2 of the progression (Zone 2 and 3 Run)

Warm-up: 3 minutes light jog

Main sets:

3 rounds

2 minutes @60% of max heart rate

5 minutes @70% of max heart rate

right into

3 rounds

1 minute @60% of max HR

3 minutes @75% of max HR

Cool down: 3 minutes light jog
If you do not have any accessory to monitor your HR, simply follow the principle of the workout with relative perceived effort.


The goal for the athlete is to Improve the aerobic ease and general endurance capacity. This is what we call a tempo session where we play with variations of speed (usually averaging at a specific heart rate) to enhance overall endurance. The body specifically does this because normally when we run hard and stop, the heart rate maintains its level for a few seconds and then starts to drop relatively quickly.

Training intervals this way is great for maximal output, but if we want the body to adapt to performing higher levels of output over longer periods of time, the speed play keeps the hard effort and rather than completely stopping, the athlete will continue to work in a manageable way with the easy effort. This causes the heart rate to stay relatively higher for longer as well as gradually drop over time. After a few intervals, athletes’ bodies will adapt to a higher heart rate over a longer period of time.

So because we are getting so specific with endurance training, we want to keep a few things in mind:

– Respect the prescribed intensity. Easy means easy: meaning your heart rate should actually decrease,

– Use the easy effort to focus on your technique

– Try to be consistent on each and every interval. This will be difficult until you start to learn about yourself as an endurance athlete and understand your maintainable split times.


B: Metcon (Weight)

5 sets

5 Deadlift @60%+

50′ Yoke Carry @mod-heavy

Goal: Post chain strength

Points of performance:

-Increase weight every new set on the deadlift. Start @60% of 1RM, finish @RPE 9/10

-This will be hard on your CNS. Make sure you take a good day off tomorrow. If this is your first heavy session of Deadlift in a while, reducing the weight to 70% and using an empty yoke might be a good idea.


C: Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time

15 Cal Ski

15 GHD Sit-ups

15 Burpees

Rest 30 seconds

Core, core and core again.

Okay, yes, I know that you did Burpees yesterday, but you should survive.

Every movement in this metcon has been chosen on how they affect your core. Your goal is to keep a consistent pace from round 1 to 5. 30 seconds of rest should be enough to help you keep a mod-high intensity.

Odd Object

D: Metcon (Weight)

3 sets

100′ Sled Push @heavy

10 KB swings @32/24kg

30 Jumping Lunges

Rest 2 minutes

Goal: Lower body post chain

In this superset, the goal is to work strength (heavy sled), power (KB) AND stimulate hypertrophy (Long time under tension.

Points of performance:

-The distance for the sled has to be doable unbroken

-Focus on using your hips on the KB Swings.

-Aim to complete the 30 lunges in 30 seconds


E: Metcon (No Measure)

KB Turkish Get-up

Accumulate 15 reps/arm 70/53lbs
Goal: Core and shoulder stability

Saturday, May 1st 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3mins Row or Bike @increasing intensity on each min

B. Mobility

World’s Greatest Stretch

10 reps/side

C. Specific

2 sets @empty bar

-5 Snatch first pulls

-5 Snatch high pulls

-3 tall snatch

-3 tempo snatch


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 30minutes

1. Max reps Squat Snatch @75%

2. 10 KB Swing 32/24kg

3. 200m Run
Score: total reps on the squat snatch

Scaling options


1. Max Heavy Power snatch + Overhead squat @moderate-heavy

2. 10 Russian KB Swing @heavy

3. 100m Run


1. Max Heavy Squat Snatch @75%

2. 10 KB Swing @24/16kg

3. 100-200m Run


5 rounds

15 Cal Ski

15 GHD Sit-ups

15 Burpees

Rest 30 seconds

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

For quality


Band Y

Band T

50′ Double KB/DB Farmer Carry between each set


Murph prep

EMOM 14-20 minutes

Odd- 10-12 push ups

Even- 15-20 Air Squats


CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Teens

Warm-up (No Measure)

AMRAP 6 minutes

10 heavy russian kb swings

12 In and out squats

10 Alternating single leg single arm V-ups

20 low box runners


A: Metcon (Weight)

On every 30 seconds for 5 minutes

5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @medium


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 22mins

10 Deadlift @heavy

20 Pistols

20 TTB

80 Double unders

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Bear Crawl Races: in teams of 2, have each participant complete 50′ of bear crawl. One participant working at a time. Add variations to the travel: crab claw, running backwards, etc.


CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Kids

Warm-up (No Measure)

Stuck in the Mud: This is a basic tag game. When a kid is tagged, they stand with their legs apart (stuck in the mud) and are freed when someone does an “army crawl” underneath them (remind them all that they have to crawl through without touching that person though).


A: Metcon (Weight)

On every 30 seconds for 5 minutes

5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 22mins

10 Deadlift

20 High Box Step Ups

20 Sit-Ups or V-Ups

80 Single unders

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Bear Crawl Races: in teams of 2, have each participant complete 50′ of bear crawl. One participant working at a time. Add variations to the travel: crab claw, running backwards, etc.

Friday, April 30th 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – Skill Session

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

2 minutes Row or Bike

25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/sideà

– Front of the shoulder

– Pecs

B2. Shoulder extension

10 repetitions, hold every rep for 1-2 seconds

C. Specific

7 Scap pulls (Hold every rep for 2 seconds)

3 Wall climb (Hold last rep for 10 seconds)

3 Bandes oscillation


A: Metcon (No Measure)

Press progression week 3 (speed)

10 rounds

3 Deficit Kipping HSPU @4/2”

100′ Farmer Carry Between sets


3 seconds tempo eccentric

0 sec at bottom

Explode up

This is the speed session of the 3rd week of the press progression. Your goal, like for the Squat on Wednesday, is to create as much speed in the concentric phase of the HSPU (way up). We combined the HSPU with farmer carry to make your body used to having your upper back tired when doing HSPU.

Points of performance:a

– At no point during the ascent you should feel a deceleration.

– Focus on speed!

– Reduce or increase deficit in order to respect the previous point.


B: Metcon (No Measure)

5 sets not for time

1 Strict Ring Muscle-ups

2 Ring Dips

3 Kipping Ring Muscle-ups

Rest as needed between sets

At this point, if you respected the points of the first section, your shoulders should not be too tired.

In this piece, we focus on the dip portion of the Ring Muscle-up. Because we included some dips before the kipping reps, your turnover will probably be your limiting factor here. Focus on being tight and strong when moving on the rings.


C: “Chaos” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 7minutes

10 Thrusters @ 95/65 LBS

10 Bar facing Burpees

43/30 KG

If you did this workout in the past with us, go look for your result so you can compare.

If you never attempted it, note your result at the end. We will retest it later this year.

This is the type of workout where you have to do a compromise between moving fast and pace yourself. If you pace too much, you lose. If you go too fast, you explode. Have fun

Semi-final athlete: 8 rounds

Quarter-finals athlete: 6 rounds


D: Metcon (No Measure)

For quality


Band Y

Band T

Split stance banded fly

Goal: Build bulletproof shoulders

In this kind of accessory, it’s important that you play with angles. This is why we often ask you to recreate the whole alphabet. This all has a purpose, don’t worry.



E: Metcon (No Measure)

50/side Single leg Toes touches for quality
We focus on the abs. Indeed, by asking you to keep your legs in the air, we isolate the range of motion where only your abs are working.


Friday, April 30th 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds

30sec Row

30sec on

Banded air squats*

Reverse plank

Double unders


B. Mobility

Quadruped rear shoulder stretch


C. Specific

2 sets

9 Hollow banded lat pull downs

7 Transition muscle ups*

*Transition mu versions


Floor transitions, knees bent o


Floor, legs straight



Advanced +:

5 x (1 box transition mu + 2 pause ring dips)


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Every 2mins for 10mins complete the following gymnastics complex unbroken

2-4 Ring muscle ups

2-4 Strict Ring dips

2-4 Strict chest to ring pull-ups
Score: total reps completed

Scaling options


Every 2mins x 10mins

4-8 Ring rows

4-8 Push-ups or kneeling push-ups


Every 2mins x 10mins

2-4 Box transition ring muscle ups

2-4 Feet supported box Ring dips

2-4 Strict chin ups


5 sets not for time

1 Strict Ring Muscle-ups

2 Ring Dips

3 Kipping Ring Muscle-ups

Rest as needed between sets


A: “Chaos” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 7minutes

10 Thrusters @ 95/65 LBS

10 Bar facing Burpees

43/30 KG
Scaling options


Amrap 7

10 Thrusters @ light

10 Bar facing Burpees

*Record weight used for future reference


Amrap 7

10 Thrusters @ 65/45

10 Bar facing Burpees


As written

Cool down

3-4 minutes on bike or rower

Lower Body Flow



CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Teens

Warm-up (No Measure)

AMRAP 5 minutes

30sec Row/Bike/Ski

7/7 Single leg RDL

5/5 Seated DB press


A: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

4 sets of 500m Row

Rest 2 minutes between sets


B: Metcon (Time)

EMOM x 10

Alternate between

– 12/9 Cal Bike/Row/Ski

– 20 KB Swings

At the 10min mark

5 rounds for time

– 12/9 Cal Bike/Row/Ski

– 20 KB Swings

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

Monkey Bars: have the kids go through the rig without touching the ground. If they touch the ground, they have to start all over again.


CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit Kids

Warm-up (No Measure)

Sit Up Circle Catch: Kids sit around the trainer in a half-circle, with an ab-mat behind them. When the trainer throws the dodgeball to them they must perform a sit up and throw it back. Add in an additional ball once the kids start to get the hang of it to make it more challenging. If it is more of an advanced group, you can have them all sit in a circle and throw the ball to each other (reminding them that they have to say the name of the next person and make eye contact with them before throwing it). Add in another ball for greater difficulty and challenge.


A: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

4 sets of 150m Row

Rest 90 seconds between sets
Complete 3-4 rounds. If attention drops, move onto the next part.


B: Metcon (Time)

Have the larger kids try out the bikes. If the seat can be adjusted well enough for them to reach, alternate between rowing and biking in the workout.

EMOM x 8 – don’t set the clock, just keep track on your own/phone

Alternate between

– Even minutes: 8/6 Cal Bike/Row

– Odd minutes: 15 Russian KB Swings

At the 8 min mark

Partner up, one partner completes the full round while other counts and rests. 4 rounds each partner.

– 8/6 Cal Bike/Row/Ski

– 15 Russian KB Swings

Game Time

Metcon (No Measure)

Setup: Choose a section of the rig that doesn’t have any high bars. Set up the kids’ pull-up bars as additional options.

Monkey Bars: have the kids go through the rig without touching the ground. If they touch the ground, they have to start all over again.

Thursday, April 29th 2021

CrossFit Tysons Corner – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds

12 In and out squats

20 Plate Jumps

10 Jumping lunges

B. Mobility

Foam roller wall slide

10 repetition slow and controlled

C. Specific

1 set

-5 Banded wall-slides, slow and controlled

-10 HS hold scap push, facing wall


3-5 reps on each movement


A: Metcon (Time)

For time

100 cal bike/ski/row/run 2Km

30 strict hspu

50 overhead lunges @1×50/35lbs

60 hspu
KG: 22/16

Score: Time

TC: 22mins

Scaling options


For time

75 cal bike/ski/row/run 1600m

30 DB strict press @moderate

50 overhead lunges @moderate

60 DB push press @moderate


For time

100 cal bike/ski/row/run 2Km

30 feet elevated piked hspu

50 overhead lunges @1×35/25lbs

30 hspu

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

5 rounds

2 minutes Banded march @mod resistance

10/side Banded RDL